Baby Play Baby Toys Life

Stacking Cups

Whose baby loves stacking cups?

Miles has really been enjoying these cups the past few days. They are a great toy for babies, especially 6 month and older.

They are great for so many reasons, but today I’m going to share some tips on how to use them to build language development.

We all know that the more we talk to our babies the better it is for their language development; however, how many of you are at a loss for what exactly to say to your baby? Or how many of you feel crazy talking to your baby about the most ridiculous subjects – when I walk around my house with Miles I am constantly narrating what I am doing, sounding like a crazy person.

With these stacking cups you can add some purposeful language when you play with your baby.


Use color words – talk with your baby about the colors of the cups. Are there any cups that are the same color. Put them in groups of colors. Use words like “light” and “dark”

Use position words – talk with your baby about where the cups are. Put them ON his head, UNDER a blanket, and beside another toy.

Use words that compare – talk with your baby about how big or small one cup is in comparison to each other.

Use number words – talk with your baby about the numbers on the cups. When stacking them count out loud. This will also help build sequencing.

Use vocabulary to build manners – its never too early to teach your child about taking turns. When stacking the cups have him help by stacking every other cup. Use “thank you,” “please,” and “you’re welcome.”

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